When verifying your account you may be asked to provide documentation to verify your age and address. The list of documents we accept are below.
You can use the following documents as proof of ID:
- Passport
- Driver's license with photo
- Social Security card
Note: We cannot use the same document to verify your ID as the one you provide to verify your address.
You can use the following documents as proof of address:
- Utility bill (dated within the last 3 months)
- Bank statement
Note: We can accept paper documents and PDF documents. We cannot accept screenshots of online documents. We do not accept mobile phone bills.
If you do not have a statement or utility bill, please request a copy from your bank or utility provider. Alternatively, you can request a bank statement to be printed at your local branch or you can download a PDF version of your bank statement from your online banking account.
Things to know before you upload
You can upload your documents within the SBK app on the account verification screen or send them to support@getsbk.com you should ensure that what your sending follows the guidelines below;
When uploading proof of ID
Ensure that your ID is fully visible and front facing, do not have it at an angle where parts of it are cut off.
When uploading proof of address
Ensure that your document is fully visible and front facing, do not have it at an angle where parts of it are cut off.