What is gambling blocking software?
Blocking software limits access to specific websites or services available on the internet. If you think you have a gambling problem, using blocking software can help.
There are two types of blocking software available:
- General blocking software is designed to block any sites you choose and set access permissions or parental controls.
- Gambling-specific blocking software is designed specifically to block all gambling related websites and services.
Where can I find blocking software?
We advise all customers to do their own research to find out which product will work best for them.
Some software is free, while others charge. There are also software programmes which run on your phone and you can find these by searching in the App store or the Android Market.
Note: When using this software, please ask someone else to enter the password for you.
Some examples of software that you can use are:
Gambling Specific:
- GamBlock (Windows, Android and iOS)
- BetBlocker (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android and Fire OS)
- Netnanny (Windows, iOS and Android)
Will blocking software prevent me from gambling?
Blocking software is a great first step but we always encourage its use alongside additional practical tools and support services.
Is there anything else that I can do?
To prevent accessing UK licensed gambling accounts, customers can also choose to register with the GAMSTOP self exclusion scheme. You can register with GAMSTOP to prevent you accessing UK licensed gambling accounts for between 6 months and 5 years, and they will also stop future marketing communication during the same period.
You may also choose to block gambling transactions directly with your banking provider. You can find further information on bank gambling blocks, and which banks offer this service, on the Gambling Commission website. However, if your bank or card provider is not listed, we would still suggest contacting them directly for further advice.